Everything You Need To Know About Casual Leave Emails ( Plus Free Copy-Worthy Templates)

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Everything You Need To Know About Casual Leave Emails ( Plus Free Copy-Worthy Templates)

When do you send a leave application email? It could be for a number of reasons. Maybe you need to run some personal errands or take a few days off to take care of a loved one. The possibilities are endless. Although you possess a legitimate reason that warrants a casual leave, you might have many doubts. Getting the first draft prepared and understanding if the management will accept your leave of absence are just some of the usuals. 

Thing is, casual leaves are allotted along with sick leaves and calendar holidays so that employees can take time off work for reasons aplenty. It could be taken on the occasion of a childbirth or the sudden and sad demise of a family member. Some take it for health problems whereas others spend their leaves on home visits, travelling, or activities that help them step away from work for a few days. 

The person sending the casual leave email informs their superior or higher management that they will not be able to work for a certain period of time. In the email, a formal request for leave is mentioned for a specified time period signalling the higher ups that the person sending the email will not be in a position to work.

You have to note that when it comes to applying for leaves there is no rulebook or a code that has to be followed by every organization. The method to apply will be dictated by the HR policy and those in charge of deliberating leave policies. Although most organisations today allow employees to send casual leave application emails, others resort to forms which have to be filled out and by the employees. The request for casual leaves could also be a combination of both an email and a form.

Regardless of the channel used for casual leave applications, the intent remains the same — provide a valid reason and the days you will be gone. But do keep in mind that unless the reason for taking a casual leave of absence doesn’t stem from emergencies, the sender must apply at least a few days in advance.

The Format: Casual Leave Application Email 

Just like the channels, there are many formats for casual leave application emails. While there’s no saying what will be in the forms and the details that you have to fill, an application email  — which again depends on the company policy an employer — will have details such as:

  • Complete disclosure of your intent i.e., you’re applying for casual leave
  • The time period of your requested leave of absence
  • The starting date of your casual leave (if approved)
  • The end date of your casual leave
  • Declaration of any closed or open responsibilities/tasks and who, in your absence, will be handling them (your duties) temporarily

The Principles of Drafting and Sending a Casual Leave Application Email

Being accountable for your actions, shouldering responsibilities and leading by example for others to follow are some of the traits of an exceptional employee. The same qualities must come through when it comes to requesting a casual leave.

These are the guidelines you must follow if you’re sending casual leave emails for the first time, or have sent one in the past only for your request to be rejected. 

  • You’re writing the casual leave application for what purpose? Keep it in mind, always, and make it brief.
  • You have to be upfront with your supervisor, clearly mentioning the reason why you’re applying for a casual leave. 
  • If you do not wish to mention the cause in the email because  it’s too personal or sensitive, you could give a general idea and then (if required) talk it over discreetly with your supervisor/HR.
  • Since you’re requesting (for a leave) you have to sound polite. Be genuine about your request. The last thing you want is to sound rude which can dwindle the chances of your leave getting approved.
  • Note that this is an office setting where there are rules regarding employee leaves and duties. So, even if your supervisor is your best friend, be formal and set a professional tone. 
  • The person approving your leave might not be the most friendly person. Also, there have been instances when employees have been caught red-handed lying in their leave application mails. That is why you must always possess supporting documents to back up your claim.
  • We again go back to the point about being accountable and responsible. You need to give your superiors and coworkers time to take stock of the work you handle so that they can come up with a plan to cover for you in your absence. It’s always a good practise if you let them know about your upcoming leave of absence well in advance.
  • Write, proof, and edit your email. Once you’re done go over it one more time so that any errors and typos can be removed from the email 

Casual Leave Application Email Samples

Here are some casual leave emails that you can copy. Note that, you may not require detailed emails describing your reason and duration of your leave as given below — it depends on how explicit you want to get and what the person granting the leave expects. And that is why we have listed a variety of email templates, both long and short. We’ll start with the emails that get into the leave request in detail and then follow them up with shorter, to-the-point variants.

  1. Detailed Casual Leave Emails 

Template 1: Visiting home/family

Hi < Enter Name of the Recipient >,

I'm writing this email to request for a < Enter duration e.g. X week(s) or X days > casual week. Ever since I have taken up the position as < Enter your designation at the company > <Enter duration you have worked at the company e.g. X months or X years  >, I haven’t had a chance to visit my family in < Enter location of your family >. Kindly grant me my request for my leave for the time period < Enter casual leave start date > to < Enter casual leave end date >.

I would like to bring to your notice that I am aware of the company guidelines and the leave policy, which requires me to finish all of my pending duties before the commencement of my casual leave. On that note, I wanted to let you know that I have already discussed it with my supervisor/manager. Rest assured, I will be finishing all my tasks and handing them over to my superior before my leave begins. For your reference, I have attached a copy of the casual leave application form here.

In my absence, if anything urgent comes up, I can be contacted at < Enter your email address > or < Enter phone number >. I wish to resume work on < Enter date when you start working after leave > which is why I request you to kindly consider my request and approve it at the earliest so that I can start making travel arrangements as soon as possible.

Thank you for your kind cooperation and consideration in this regard.


< Enter name of the sender >

Template 2: Unwell family member

Hello < Enter Name of the Recipient >,

I have some news to share. I am planning to take a casual leave for < Enter number of days >, starting < Enter starting date of casual leave > and ending on < Enter ending date of casual leave > for which I’m writing this email in hope that you will grant my request.  I hope to resume work on < Enter date when you will start work >.

The reason for my request is that my < Enter relation with ill family member e.g. spouse, father, child > has been bedridden for the last < Enter number of days > days with < Enter symptoms of patient e.g. fever, chills, dizziness, etc. > Although we have had a doctor come and see < her/him> < Enter number of days > days ago, < her/his > condition isn’t getting any better. < She/He > is on prescribed medication right now, but as per the doctor’s recommendation I have to take her to < Enter name of the hospital or clinic > for more routine tests and bloodwork.

Since there is no one here to take care of <him/her> at the moment, I have to step in and do what is necessary. And that is why I’m putting in this formal request for  <Enter number of days > days’ casual leave. 

I have already informed my supervisor and coworkers about my planned leave and have provided my contact information in case there is any emergency. Listing my phone number and email address for your reference below. 

Mobile: < Enter Phone Number > 

Email: < Enter Email Address > 

I request you to kindly consider my request for leave. 


< Enter name of the sender >

Template 3: Relocating to a new area

Hello < Enter Name of the Recipient >,

I am writing this email to bring to your attention that I wish to take < Enter number of days >  days’ casual leave as I have to attend a personal matter. Since the commute to work from my previous address took too long, I have < purchased / rented > a property at < Enter new address > which is about < Enter distance to office from new address >. The < Enter number of days > -day leave, from < Enter leave start date > to < Enter leave finish date >,  is what I need to completely relocate from the old address to the new.

I feel that moving to an address that is so close to work will not only cut down on transit time  which will boost my energy and productivity levels at work, but also improve my attendance. I am completely aware of the leave and work policy at < Enter name of the company where you work >. And that is why I assure you that all pending work will be completed before my leave begins. I have also taken the liberty to discuss my leave duration with my < manager/supervisor > and co-workers so that work doesn’t get interrupted while I’m away. 

For more details about my leave request, I have filled out the application form and attached it here for your reference. If any clarification is needed or for any work emergencies I can be reached at:

Mobile Number: < Enter Mobile Number >

Email: < Enter Personal Email Address > 

I’d be really grateful if you could consider my request so that I can move closer to work as soon as possible. 


< Enter Your Name >

Template 4: Another Unwell Family Member

Dear < Enter Name of the Recipient >,

I wish to inform you that I plan to take < Enter number of days > days casual leave from < Enter Start Date > to < Enter End Date > as I have a personal matter that I need to attend to. I hope to resume my duties from < Enter back-at-work date >. 

I received a call on < Enter date > at < Enter time when call was received > from the school authority about my unwell < son/daughter >. I have been requested to pick her up from the school infirmary immediately after which I will be heading straight to the hospital to get <him/her> assessed by the health professionals. Although I have stated my date of resuming work above, I will only do so until < he / she > is better and has someone at her constant beck and call — I hope you understand my predicament.

I have had a talk with my < supervisor/manager > and co-workers about this, and they have agreed to take up my duties until I’m away. Although I will not be in office, I can be reached at < Enter mobile number > and < Enter email > for any clarifications or emergencies related to work. 

I have wrapped up most of my pending tasks. As this is an emergency, I wish to finish whatever work is left upon my return.

Attaching my leave application form here for your perusal. Kindly sanction my leave at the earliest.

Yours Sincerely,

< Enter Your Name >

Template 5: Employee Training

Hi < Enter Name of the Recipient >,

This is < Enter your name >  from the < Enter name of the department > department and I’m writing this email to you to request for a casual leave spanning < Enter number of days > days from < Enter casual leave start start > to <Enter casual leave end date >. Within this time period i.e. < Enter date > to < Enter finish date >, I wish to undergo training on < Enter training module name > which is being facilitated by < Enter name of the companies facilitating the training > at < Enter location where training will be held / Enter details of training if it will be conducted via virtual sessions >.

I will be resuming office on < Enter date when you’ll be back in office >. I am looking forward to this training program for a long time now and think that the knowledge and skills acquired will benefit our company in the long run. It is my belief that this module will particularly be of great use for < Enter work or project details that the training will benefit > which we have undertaken for < Enter name of the client(s) for whom project or work is being done > on < Enter date when project or work was first started > and plan to wrap up by < Enter deadline for the work or project >.

I have already informed my supervisor/manager about this and recommend < Enter name of the employee or coworker who will stand in for you in your absence >  to stand in for me during my leave of absence. 

For any work emergencies or clarifications about the training program and my casual leave I can be reached on my mobile < Enter your mobile number > and Email < Enter your Email address >.

I have already shared all necessary work-related information with my peers and sent my leave application form to < Enter name of the person >. Attaching the copy of the form here for your reference. 

Thank you for considering my request. 


< Enter Your Name >

  1. Brief Casual Leave Emails 

Template 1: 1-day sick leave

Subject: One-day sick leave due to < Enter symptom >

I have been running a high fever since last night which has not shown any signs of letting up. I am, therefore, requesting a 1-day leave for today < Enter today’s date >.

Template 2: Extended sick leave

Subject: Down with < Enter illness >

Ever since < Enter date when all the symptoms of the illness started > I have been developing < Enter all symptoms of the illness > which has now been confirmed to be < Enter the illness > by the doctor. 

As < Enter name of the illness > is known to be highly viral, I request you to grant me < Enter duration of casual leave in days > casual leave from < Enter start date > to < Enter finish date >. I will be able to tell you of my recovery and return to work on < Enter date when you will provide an update about recovery >.  For your reference, I am enclosing medical records here.

Template 3: Recovering from an accident

Subject: <Enter days > casual leave needed to recover from accident

On < Enter date and time when accident occurred > I met with an accident at < Enter where exactly accident occurred >. < Enter details of the accident: how? >. According to the doctor < Enter your physical state: what is the prognosis? > for which i will need to take complete bed rest for < Enter number of days advised by doctor > and undergo < Mention any additional tests/treatment >.  

I request you to grant me time from < Enter leave start date > to < Enter leave finish date > so that I can recover. For your reference, I am enclosing medical records here.

Template 4: Casual leave to attend function

  1. Subject: Casual Leave Request For Family Function

I’m writing this to request < Enter number of days > day(s) leave to < Enter details of the function: what and where > on < Enter date when function will be held >.

  1. Subject: < Enter number of days > days casual leave for < Enter details of event/function>

I would like to bring to your notice that my presence will be required for the < Enter the function: what is it? > that will be held on < Enter date when function will be held >. I request you to grant me leave for the aforementioned dates.

  1. Subject: <Enter number of days>-day leave for < Enter details of the event/function>

I’d like to request you to grant me casual leave from < Enter starting date> to < Enter end date> as I have to travel to < Enter the location of the event/function> for < Enter details of the function/event >.

< Enter event or function > is < What is the importance of the event ? > and it’s extremely important that I attend it. I am hoping to resume work on < Enter date when you will be back at work > .

  1. Subject: < Enter number of days > days casual leave for < Enter relation e.g. brother’s, sister’s, cousin’s etc. > marriage 

My < Enter who is getting married > is tying the knot on < Enter date when wedding will be held > at < Enter where the wedding will be held >. Since this is a family event with many intricate ceremonies, my presence is required. For your reference, I’m attaching the invitation card here.

  1. Subject: Request Casual Leave for marriage

I’m getting married on < Enter when you’re getting married > for which I need < Enter number of days>-day leave starting < Enter start date > to < Enter end date >. I am hoping to be back at work on < Enter date when you’ll be at work after marriage >. Request you to grant me this leave of absence.

Template 5: Long leave for vacation

Subject: < Enter number of days>-day leave for vacation

I request you to grant me a leave starting < Enter start date > to < Enter end date > as I am planning my annual vacation. As per our discussion, I plan to close all pending work before my leave begins and brief < Enter name of the person who will be handling your duties > regarding work-related matters who will act as my stand-in over the course of my absence.  If any clarification is needed or for work emergencies I can be reached at:

Mobile Number: < Enter Mobile Number >

Email: < Enter Personal Email Address > 

Template 6: Unwell family member

  1. Subject: Casual leave on < Enter date> on  account of my < Enter relation eg. son’s daughter’s, mother’s etc. >  ill health

My < Enter age of the person who is unwell >-year-old < Enter relation > has been dealing with < Enter details of the illness — symptoms e.g. high fever, breathlessness, severe cold etc. > since < Enter date when the illness began >. I have to take her to the hospital to meet the doctor and run routine tests.

Please accept my request for casual leave on < Enter date for casual leave >.

  1. Subject: < Enter number of days>-day leave for < Enter relation eg. son’s daughter’s, mother’s etc. > surgery

Request you to kindly grant me casual leave of absence from < Enter start date> to < Enter end date > on account of my < Enter family member > surgery. <He/She > has been admitted to < Enter name of the hospital/clinic where the surgery will take place > and the < Enter Details of  Surgery e.g. heart, hip replacement, knee etc.? >  surgery will take place on < Enter date when surgery will take place >.

Template 7: Personal family matter

  1. Subject: < Enter number of days>-day leave for < Enter relation eg. son’s daughter’s, mother’s etc. > birthday

Based on our discussion, I’d like to request casual leave on < Enter date> as I’m expecting many relatives and guests to turn up for my < Enter relation e.g. son’s, daughter’s, mother’s etc > birthday.  Given the state of affairs, my presence is required to conduct and manage the entire event. I am hoping to be back at work on < Enter when you’ll be back at work >.

  1. Subject:  < Enter number of days>-day leave for < Enter relation eg. son’s daughter’s, mother’s etc. > exam

I request you to grant me a leave starting < Enter start date > to < Enter end date > as I am helping my < Enter relation e.g. son, daughter, niece, nephew etc. > prepare for < Enter name of the exam e.g. IIT-JEE, NEET, UPSC etc. >. This is an important phase which will decide the course of  < his/her > life.  The exam is being conducted on < Enter date when exam will be held > at < Enter location of exam > for which I’ll need to take a leave of absence for < Enter number of days > days as I’ll have to get <her/him> ready and also drive to the venue.

Template 8: Moving into a new house

Subject: < Enter number of days>-day leave for relocation

I’m moving from my current address to a new one on < Enter date when you’ll be moving >. There is a lot of packing and settling down to be done and that is why I’m writing this email, requesting you to sanction a < Enter number of days >-day leave from < Enter start date > to < Enter end date >. 

Template 9: Family member’s demise

Subject:  < Enter number of days>-day leave for < Enter relation eg. father-in-law, mother-in-law etc. > last rites

Following the discussion we had this morning, I’m leaving immediately for < Enter location > due to the untimely demise of my < Enter relation eg. father-in-law, mother-in-law etc. >. I request you to kindly grant me casual leave for < Enter number of days > days, from < Enter start date > to < Enter end date >.

Given the state of affairs, I cannot, for certain, say when I’ll be back at work. At this time my presence is required . I shall update you about my exact plans in due course of time.

Template 10: Elections: casting vote

Subject: < Enter number of days>-day leave to cast vote

I request you to grant me a leave starting < Enter start date > to < Enter end date > as I am planning to travel to my < hometown/city > on < Enter date > to caste my vote in the upcoming < Enter details of elections e.g. municipal, general, gram panchayat etc. > elections. This visit also presents the opportunity to meet my family. 

If any clarification is needed, or for work emergencies I can be reached at:

Mobile Number: < Enter Mobile Number >

Email: < Enter Personal Email Address > 


Remember that you needn’t always go with a lengthy casual leave email, explaining everything in detail. And certainly not for casual leaves that last a day. Having said that, regardless of the length, your email must always contain a valid reason for your leave. It should be more formal and professional than friendly and casual. 

Keep in mind that your words in the email must be able to clearly relay the intent and the reason behind the leave. It should have just the right amount of details to convince the person sanctioning it. 

Again, as mentioned before, some organisations have more practices in place such as sending a leave form and an email. What you cannot mention in the email, you must mention in the form and attach it in the mail clearly mentioning that you have done so. Also, before you take your leave of absence and send an official mail, make it a point to give your superior or manager a heads-up so that they can come up with plans to ensure that work doesn’t get interrupted with you not around.   

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